Imagine if you could stop (and even prevent) anyone with bad intentions from hurting you or your family...
How incredible would that make you feel?!
Pure Self Defense Krav Maga is the Only Self Defense Training You'll Ever Need. It is the fastest way to learn to confidently protect and defend yourself from criminal violence in real-life situations.
24 hours is all it takes. Guaranteed.
Self Defence Everyone Can Use. No Belts. No Bowing. No Bullsh*t.
Our mission is to IMPROVE your life by making it as SIMPLE and EASY as possible for you to protect yourself and your family from real-life danger - to give you a RELIABLE self protection gameplan that you can count on in a life or death emergency where someone else wants to hurt, take, or kill you or someone you love.

Imagine having the mindset and ability to recognize and avoid danger, de-escalate, negotiate, and STOP a larger, stronger, enraged attacker! Wouldn't it feel amazing to have the safety, security, and self-confidence that comes along with this particular skillset?
It's something that everyone deserves to have and to feel, including you. And you absolutely can!
Every Pure Self Defence gameplan is rooted in understanding the behavioral delivery system of agression and violence. Because we exclusively do PRIVATE self defense and Krav Maga training in Kelowna, your self defense training gameplan is custom tailored for your specific needs and around your strengths, weaknesses, and lifestyle.
With a positive attitude and a willingness to give 100% you WILL learn to effectively defend yourself and to cultivate safety, security, and self-confidence in the shortest amount of time possible.
We're talking HOURS, not years. GUARANTEED.
All you have to do is take the first baby step and call or email today. We're here to connect with you, answer all your questions, and help make you feel comfortable.
Try it. You'll like it! Quality real-world self defense training is something that could literally save your life or someone you care about.
Check Out What People Are Saying About Pure Self Defense...
Private Krav Maga Self Defense Classes in Kelowna BC
Pure Self Defense is THE place where good people go who are serious about getting the courage, confidence, and capability to defend and protect themselves and their loved ones from real violence in the real world.
The facts are that about 3 out of 4 people will be a victim of an assault at some point in their lifetime, and 2 out of 5 people will be a victim of violent crime two or more times in their lifetime. On a local level, Kelowna has the third hightest violent crime rate in Canada.
But the good news is, if you're looking to learn how to be able to protect and defend yourself in real-life situations then you've come to the right place. If you want to learn how to improve your self-confidence and be able stop a larger stronger attacker - not just a guy in a dojo - and you don't have time to spend the next few years of your life training, then we can help!
Imagine if you felt strong, fit, confident, and powerful every single day! How would that change your life? How incredible would that feel?
That's exactly what Pure Self Defense specializes in - helping you become a strong, self-reliant, confident protector and defender of yourself and your family.
Andy Fanslau is a Self Defense Expert and Certified Krav Maga Instructor. With over a decade of experience teaching, coaching, and training Reality-Based Self Defense and Close Quarters Combatives (CQC), you can rest assured that you are in very good hands when working with Coach Andy.
Our Krav Maga combatives training focuses on SIMPLICITY and NATURAL reactions and body mechanics in order to keep things fast and simple to learn and practical and effective to use. It's one of the reasons why Pure Self Defense is so effective in real life confrontations.
What we offer you is so much more than a "kick-punch" Krav Maga martial arts program. Regular people come to Pure Self Defense to get 100% functional reality-based training. This training is not for sport. It allows you to effectively defend yourself and your loved-ones from REAL-LIFE dangerous situations - from social aggression to asocial violence. This includes protecting yourself when you're out and protecting your home when you're in.
You can learn to proactively prevent and effectively deal with stupid arguments; ego-based threats and aggression; bullying; road rage; ambush assaults; 3rd party intervention; and predatory robbery, assaults, kidknapping, rape, and attempted murder.
Feeling helpless is no longer an option.
Private self defense training with Coach Andy Fanslau is a fun, exciting and empowering experience that you'll be glad you invested in! You'll complete your training feeling strong, confident, and powerful. Can you think of a better way to invest your time and resources than to learn to protect yourself and your loved ones from danger?
Please understand that we love martial arts and have HUGE respect for anyone and everyone that puts in the years of time, discipline, and blood-sweat-ann-tears that it takes to become proficient at their art or sport. The MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) , BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu), Western Boxing, and Muay Thai kickboxing guys and gals that we know are ridiculously disciplined, worthy of due respect, and tough - both mentally and physically.
But before you commit to investing your time, energy, and hard-earned money into something "martial arty" (Pure Self Defense included), please take a few minutes to figure out not only what you want to get out of your training but also what you NEED to get out of your training and why you're doing it in the first place. Ask yourself, ''Will the path I'm embarking on facilitate me being able to protect myelf from real-life danger?''.
So, what does 'real' self defense look like on a day-to-day basis?
90% of your self defense gameplan is having your situational awareness "switched on" and learning to listen to and trust your gut-instinct (i.e. "intuition"). It's not about being paranoid or anxious. In fact, Pure Self Defense is designed to help you begin to OVERCOME paranoia and anxiety.
Every situation is different - the context and environment changes everything. The Pure Self Defense GamePlan empowers you with a new way of seeing things - a new mindset with better crtical thinking and analytic skills so that you don't have to have trained every possible scenario (which is impossible) to be able to know what action to take to succeed and avoid freezing up or panicking.
That's what a gameplan does - it gives you a PLAN and a way to find the best answer to the problem and acheive the best possible outcome.
Being able to recognize danger and defend yourself is an essential life skill like CPR or the Heimlich Maneuver; if a criminal chooses to try to assault you or someone you love it is a medical emergency in which you're likely to be seriously injured or killed if steps are not immediately taken to transform the outcome.
The problem is that most martial arts and self defense programs neglect the most important aspects of how to accomplish this when faced with real-world violence. This is because they are limited to only physical retaliation "techniques", many of which just don’t work in real life against a larger, stronger, enraged opponent intent on smashing your head into pie filling. Pure Self Defense goes deeper than just physical combatives by also addressing the emotional, psychological, and behavioral aspects of protecting yourself effectively.
Pure Self Defense is a hybrid self defence program that is in a constantly in a state of pruning and growth. It is continuously evolving into something better than it was before. It takes the most useful and potent aspects of effective martial systems such as Israeli Krava Maga and other Close Quarters Combatives (CQC) and presents these concepts (e.g. situational awareness and avoidance, lowering value as a potential target, verbal de-escalation, using psychology and behavior in the delivery of combatives, natural movements and reactions in combatives, etc.) in a way that is useful for everyone.
Instead of focusing on situational techniques for SPECIFIC situations, Pure Self Defense gives you concepts, principles, and tools that you can use in ANY situation!
Did you know that most ambush assaults and self-defense situations only take between 3-8 seconds? It's similar to a car accident. And like a car accident, most violece is preventable through situational awareness and intuition.
But when the tool of violence is your only option, it's about getting the job done quickly and decisively without hesitation. And to do that you need a reliable self defense gameplan.
These effective tactics can be used by regular people, police officers, military, doormen, and security guards.
And if you're currently a student of other martial arts then Pure Self Defense's’ principals can easily be added into your existing arsenal of tools to make you an even better martial artist. For those of you that have no martial arts experience, Pure Self Defense is straightforward, unpretentious, and meant to be picked-up quickly without any prior training or special athletic ability.
No matter who you are, the threat of violence is part of the world in which we live - ignoring it doesn't make it go away. If you're thinking about learning how to protect yourself, consider Pure Self Defense - our reputation speaks for itself. Let us be a part of your decision to become the strongest version of yourself for life! Coach Andy will help make your learning experience comfortable, productive, and satisfying in a fun and relaxed atmosphere regardless of your age, sex, or physical ability. Please contact Pure Self Defense today!
If you feel like the prospect of learning something new and unfamiliar like self defense or Krav Maga is a bit intimidating, you are not alone. But you can't be brave without fear. One of the ways to deal with and overcome our F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) is this:
Don't deny your fear - acknowledge it. Feel the fear, and then do it anyway!
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Let your journey into this life-saving, life-changing, life-skill begin today!
Click HERE to talk with Coach Andy today. He will be happy to answer all of your questions, help make you feel more comfortable, and serve you in any way that you need.
You have nothing to lose... and everything to gain because YOUR results are 100% GUARANTEED!
Private self defense consulting (self defense training, coaching, and instruction) is one of the most practical and effective ways that you can help improve your life and increase your safety, security, and self-confidence - regardless of your age or your sex.
Knowing that you can stop a larger stronger attacker gives the kind of confidence and self-assurance needed for you to be a capable, switched-on, hard-target - the kind of person who is able to recognize and avoid, walk away from, de-escalate, and deal with a threat legally, morally and ethically - and in a worst case scenario, to be able to use the tool of violence in order to save your own life or the life of someone you care about from life-threatening danger.
Call now for more real-world self defense information: 778-363-PURE [7873] or click here to email us today!
Real Self Defense That Everyone Can Use.
No Belts. No Bowing. No BS.
Pure Self Defense - Exactly What It Sounds Like.